Saturday, February 6, 2016

Are You A Football Widow?

First we need to define what it means to be a football widow. Noun. A woman who must cope with the temporary death of her relationship during football games. With the big game moments away this might not be the time to bring up this situation with your spouse. But, we can feel your pain.

Does football season turn your usually loving man into someone you hardly recognize? Does game day have him sequestered in the living room, eyes glued to the plasma, with his hot wings and beer, and the remote tightly clutched? 

Football season can take its toll on relationships. For some, the kickoff of football season is a wondrous thing. It means that fall is here and, on both the professional and collegiate levels, the football has returned. What teams will make it to their respective championships? How will the new recruits and first-round draft picks do? For other couples, football season entails feeling left out, rejected, angry and resentful. The term "football widows" was coined to describe how women feel when their men park themselves in front of the TV or leave for the stadium for — what feels like — the whole weekend.

The rest of the week is spent watching highlights from those two days. Fortunately for everyone, there are additional cable channels available so that he can see EVERY game and EVERY highlight and replay. Of course there are the news shows that are dedicated to endless talks about the players and what is going on, both on and off the field. 

Yes, it is almost over for this year. Yes, depending on the outcome it could be talked about for many more days but the screen goes dark soon.  Does your “other” also participate in Fantasy Football as well? Do you have problems with any gambling issues related to his football addiction? Does this add up to a deal breaker in your relationship? 

Consider mediation as part of your solution if you feel your relationship is irretrievably broken. Do you have problems with any gambling issues related to his football addiction? Does this all add up to a deal breaker in your relationship? 

At WHYmediate?, Find out why mediation will allow you to resolve many different types of conflicts in a positive learning environment that covers how to deal with all the upcoming days in your life.

WHYmediate? Mediation Services
4500 South Lakeshore Drive Suite 300 
Tempe, AZ 85282 
(480) 777-5500

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