Monday, May 4, 2015

How Do Children Complicate Your Divorce?

If you and your spouse have children, your divorce will likely involve many complicated legal and emotional issues. If you are interested in custody (sole or joint), you need to speak with someone familiar with family law immediately. If you are not interested in custody, you are still responsible for your children’s welfare and need to discuss with your attorney how you will continue to support them.

During the divorce process, it is important that you consider the impact of your every action on your children, their emotional state, and their routines. Maintain as much stability and consistency as possible in their lives. You should also resist any temptation you may feel to disparage your spouse to your children, to discuss the details of the divorce, or give them the reasons for the divorce. Make sure they understand that they did not cause the divorce and that both of their parents love them and will continue in their lives.

The legal staff at WHYmediate? believe strongly in the value and purpose of our work — helping protect the rights and responsibilities of your family relationships.

Arizona child custody laws define “legal custody” as the decision-making ability of the parents in the lives of the children. This can be sole or joint/shared. A parent with sole legal custody is solely responsible for deciding major medical decisions for the children, where the children will attend school, whether and where they will attend church and more. Parents with joint legal custody in Arizona must agree on these matters, or have a court or their mediator decide. Parents with no legal custody may still make everyday decisions (such as sports activities and minor medical decisions) for their children while the children are with that parent.

Divorce cases are typically emotionally charged, so it may be a very good idea to seek counseling and support before and/or during the process. Don't wait for your spouse to agree to participate in counseling. Individual counseling can help.

If it is safe and there is no violence in the relationship, parents and children can attend sessions together to help reduce the effects of a divorce or custody dispute on the children and to help the family heal emotionally.

Divorce is often a lonely and emotionally draining experience. By getting support from other people and information (such as the legal information from our website), you can gain some control in the process and your experience can be less painful.

We are ready to offer help and advice to help you through this difficult experience and in moving from WHY? to YES! 

At WHYmediate?, Find out if mediation can allow you to resolve Divorce conflicts in a positive learning environment.

WHYmediate? Mediation Services
4500 South Lakeshore Drive Suite 300
Tempe, AZ 85282
(480) 777-5500

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